Could A.I. ‘un-redact’ the Mueller Report?
Last June, our friends over at the Columbian covered our quest to un-redact the Mueller report. Here's the first couple paragraphs:
Attorney General William Barr significantly redacted former special counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page report, including information about ongoing grand jury trials.
The redactions were no doubt a source of frustration for millions of Americans eager to learn the full scope of Mueller’s findings after investigating alleged links between Russia and President Trump’s election. And a public statement from Mueller himself earlier this week offered no revelations beyond what was already in the report. So unless Barr has a sudden and drastic change of opinion, there’s no way for the public to know what’s behind those blacked-out sections.
Or is there?
That was the premise of a meetup event hosted this week by Camas-based technology company Manceps, which brought together about two dozen programmers and software engineers for a high-concept challenge: Could an artificial intelligence program be trained to fill in the blanks and “un-redact” the Mueller report?